We believe that anyone who goes on a wildlife adventure should come away from the trip with more than photographs and memories. Our intention is that guests gain a deeper understanding of the animals they encounter. The hope is that they will return home as knowledgeable, caring ambassadors for the whales and the oceans.
We strive to educate our guests about humpback whales and the issues they face. And present ongoing conservation efforts and recent research findings. We achieve this through presentations aboard and ashore, our blog and social media platforms, newsletters and written materials. Our staff attend conferences and workshops each year. We deliver engaging and relevant presentations to our guests. While out on the water, our naturalists provide commentary and answer questions as events unfold in front of us. It’s the ultimate field trip!
We believe in concrete actions to protect whales. One way to achieve that is in supporting conservation efforts. Conscious Breath Adventures is proud to have Jeff Pantukhoff, founder and president of the non-profit Whaleman Foundation as part of our team. A portion of proceeds from on-board video sales also go toward supporting the Whaleman Foundation’s Save the Whales Again! campaign.
We believe that research on humpback whales is essential to better protect and conserve them. While north Atlantic humpbacks are well studied on their summer feeding grounds, the remote location of the Silver Bank makes access to the breeding grounds difficult. While your experience as our guest is our priority, we strive to utilize our unique window on breeding ground behaviors. So, we contribute to research efforts in three ways. The first is providing collected data and materials such as fluke photos and recordings to interested researchers. We also provide direct support of formal research efforts on the Silver Bank. And lastly, we encourage and support citizen scientists engaged in their own line of inquiry.